Okay... So.. after a really looong hiatus and just disappear now I'm back! kkk~ Though I know no one miss me ;; (even I hope someone does ;;; *just ignore) but I'm back and gonna posting about... Mystic messenger! the new game I've dowload and really got hooked with it. i'm particulary not that busy or I can say I have plently free time but instead, I almost ignore this blog. I'm the kind of person who got bored easily and right now my real life is a complete mess so.. okay just ignore it.
Then! let's focus to the topic :) I got hooked with this amazing game. Really this game is amazing! Trust me. I really really love it. First, I download it because the fanart keep showing in my pinterest wall so I end up get curious and think it was some anime but it turns out that so called Mystic Messenger is an 'Otome Game' and for your information I hate that kind of game because I think its just ridiculous. I once download some of this kind of game out of curious but then remove it imediately because I have to pay if I want to go to the next level. Why should I pay? That's what I thought. But because its just keep popped out in my pinterest wall I start thinking 'Is this game really that good?' Then, here I am, playing like crazy, waiting till 3 AM and even set an alrm just for the game and I already completed one of the player route.
But before that, let me introduce you to the member :)
1. there is Yoosung, the youngest member and a college student
2. 707, the amaing hacker and it seems he quite popular among Mystic Messenger fans
3. Jaehee, the only women member and Jumin assistance and fans of Zen

4. A rich young master who loves cat and has a beautiful cat named Elizabeth the 3rd
5. Elizabeth the 3rd, Jumin pet
If you want the detailed character profil, here(may contained spoiler) will upload it
So, for you who absolutely know nothing about this game, here some information:
This game is made by Cheritz. This game is the kind of game you called 'Otome Game' Don't ask me what it means, I don't really check the meaning of it yet.
1st. This Game is Set in Your Real Time
You should know that this game has certain rules that you should follow if you don't want your account get banned. Really, don't do things like:
- Resetting the time in your phone so you could play the missed chat (This is a big NO if you want to play the game peacefully without problem later)
- Continuously repeating specific day or chat
- Or even worse, hacking the game
- And now I heard that quitting the chat before you finished the chat then play it again start from the beginning is also againts the rule because cherits thought it was cheating (I was doing this too several time without knowing its againts the rules because I usually gets interrupted while play the chat. Stuff like message I should reply right away or else)
Okay so that's the rules. The patterns is, you will get the notification 'The new chatroom is open" is around this time, : 1AM or sometimes 12AM then 3AM and 7AM then... if you want the detail, you can just visit Otome Dreamworld website. They have the detailed walkthrough for the game and its really easy to understand.
2nd. This Game is Like a Group Chatting (Its Indeed a Group Chatting hahaha xD)
In this game you'll chat with the member of the RFA which gonna explained in the prolog so just play it and you will know what I mean. And like I mention before, this game is based your real time. You will get the chance to talk to the member and receive their love. You can also exchange 100 heart with 1 Hourglass
The list of member
- Jumin: Purple Heart
- 707: Red Heart
- Zen: Grey Heart
- Yoosung: Green Heart
- Jaehee: Orange Heart
- ????: White Heart (I don't know where it comes and who it is but the white heart is exist and I heard no one knew about it either)
You will get the chance to receive a call from them and get the luxury hearing their voice like you really on the phone with them after you finished some chat. You also can get their heart by reply the right answer for their messages. So it really felt real so its exiting.
3rd. Story Plot
The story is split in some part. First, the free one, Casual Story, where you will get your ending with Yoosung, Zen, or Jaehee. If you want 707 or Jumin ending you should unlock the deep story or if you want V ending, you should unlock it.
Okay, I will explain the casual story because I haven't play the deep story yet.
SO, you are gonna make some party to collect funds to help people. In the first day to the 4th day, it will still neutral. Your ending will decided after 5th days or if you got much money to spend, you can just buy the hourglasses and skip day 1 to 4 and got the route you want with 100 hourglass. I got Yoosung plot. You will have got atleast 10 guest if you want normal ending. but I suggest to invite guest as much as you can, it will affect what ending you will get. The entirely times till the ending is 11th days. You just have to open the game when the notif came and chattig with them and in the first day to 4th, be sure you get as much Love as you can from the character you like if you intend to get the ending with some characther from the first either its Jaehee, Yoosung, or Zen. Then after the 4th days, the character will show up in your days slot (just call it that way) then everything will focus on them and for your information, every routes have a different story (ofc xD) and its up to you either you'll got bad, normal, or good ending.
In the 11th days, the party start and you get the ending. then you can unlock the after ending or try another member route.
4th. Hourglasses
This is an important material for the game. You can use the hourglasse to unlock the missed chat, call the member, unlock the save slots, or unlock the other bonus plot like April Fools or Christmast or other story where you can get Jumin or 707 ending like 'Deep Story' or even the after ending story. So its really important. you can buy the hourglasses and I think its not that expensive like other Otome Games. Or you can get it free from Cheritz when you updating the app. They're so generous, trust me. But I think its more evective if you just buy the Vip package which cost 79$. I intended to buy it but later after the red line is over. If you buy the Vip package, you'll got almost or maybe everything free. You can call every member free, unlock the missed chat free and other story unlocking is also free. You can buy it at Cheritz.
So thats all I can write right now, I hope it somehow help you :)